Bug with scrolling in Engine DJ using Logitech mouse

Don’t think so but if you read the posts in the thread you can find a workaround posted by one of the users.

The only way I can live with this is to move the mouse poninter to the approximate area of the scroll ar and use the wheel there. Can’t just use the scroll wheel anywhere on the list. It’s a poor user experience and breaks the way scrollable lists work.

I am running the latest version of Engine on an up to date M1 Mac Mini and I’m using a Logitech MX Master 3 Mouse. I am not interested in your opinions on Logitech at all. What I’m interested in is filing a bug report with the Engine OS software. I’m having the exact same issue as the person in the thread, the scroll wheel does not work unless I enable the scroll bar. My mouse works in literally every other application as expected. It is only EngineOS that does this.

I’ve identified the issue - it’s the Logitech options software. I removed said software from my mac, which admittedly kinda ■■■■■ b/c it does affect the mouse performance a bit, and the scroll works as expected. Using the mouse wheel in Engine OS now works but it’s really slow and clunky.

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It’s not acceptable to have to remove important drivers that are commonly used. I also have raised bugs with Logitech on this. If you submit a bug over there it should suggest my bug which I think you can upvote there too.

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It’s good that you took the time to look into it

The same issue just occurred here. It has been working fine all the time, when all of a sudden scrolling was no longer possible. I doubt Logitech Options is the issue then, plus it is working perfectly fine in every other app, Finder, Firefox and Serato DJ included.

MX Master 3, Macbook Pro 16" 2021, Huawei Mateview 28"

Update: Partially working again, but not reliably. Seems like clicking in the library tree / folders contributes to that. Clicking the up/down arrow, or using the touchpad, seems to bring the scrolling back for the mouse wheel as well. Pretty weird.

If you use the scroll wheel while the pointer is in the scroll at area it works. If you explicitly give focus and the software is doing no work It works. The issue is the list loses focus. It is definitely related to the Logitech software in conjunction with Engine. As you said other software does not have this issue, and in fact <v2 did not have the issue.

Just read this whole thread as i too have always had this same problem, MX Master on Mac OS Catalina, Big Sur and presently Monterey. The mouse works the way it should in every app i use, Logic Pro, Final Cut, Photoshop, every web browser etc. the only app it has this issue is Engine OS, now, when the scroll bars are active ( visible ) and the mouse pointer is exactly hovering on those scroll bars then it works fine, if the scroll bars aren’t visible and the mouse pointer is off to one side then it scrolls slightly then bounces back. I’m wondering if the scroll bars were ‘always visible and active’ if this would make a difference? maybe a setting in Engine OS to have these permanently on might do the trick.

Same issue here as the post above. Pitching in and following to learn when and if an acceptable solution comes up.