Bug in Prepare list sorting

My prepare list isnt displaying the field i am sorying by, like it does when sorting by a specific field in the crates.

For example, in the image below i am sorting by comment but the star rating is still showing. The prepare folder seems to sort by comment but i cant confirm because comments arent displayed. Seems to be like this with all the optional metadata sortikg options but ive only confirmed coments, and date added.

Heres the normal behavior in the crate folder.

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Can you believe this is the first time I’ve seen what it’s like to choose songs to appear via comment??? Yes, I never used this feature! I don’t even use this track comment feature, I don’t know why, I think it’s because I’ve never seen a purpose in other equipment, but seeing the image now and seeing how it’s shown on the screen, my head exploded lol!! Jesus, I had never thought of that!

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I live off the coment section. We also need the ability to view coments outside of sorting. Sort by bpm but view coments instead of stars.


Really! These things help us manage large libraries better! I know there are a lot of DJs here who only use the players to play, and they keep opposing things that are requested by those who use the player at home to practice sets, create playlists, among other things, and as ENGINE OS is, where the appeal is you don’t If you need a PC to play, being able to manage your library already synchronized on a 10" screen comes in handy, doesn’t it?!