Buffering Issue With Larger Songs

Right, because not having bugs (as in all features work as advertised) is an “extremely nichè thing to do”.

I just wish the three of you that always come under every post and try to talk trash would just leave posts that don’t interest you alone. Same with this shitshow you pulled with the SSH topic. You don’t even know what it’s for, how it would/could work, yet you continuosly spam the topic with your half-assed knowledge and resulting misconceptions and useless “fears”.

You are the three reasons I feel shitty when visiting this “community”.

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I don’t know what you’re doing professionally, but when I create a bug report, it’s to let the developers know that there is a problem so they can solve them.

The feature request you linked regards NETWORK playback, this is about local playback. That is also a feature request, where workarounds are welcome. This is not that.

That’s step 5 in your bug report or not?

What I do professionally, isn’t the issue here. Your general tone definitively is. Flagging a moderator comment is also a very wise thing to do…

Hey @Lerk, I’ve written this up as a bug report. However, it’s rather likely that this is due to some limitation either in file reading or decoding. It could also be the additional time it takes to simply find the correct place in a large file. The “fix” may actually turn out to be limiting the playhead from jumping too far ahead of what is being read.

If this particular build up is very important to your live act, you could also consider editing the track in audacity to remove the non relevant parts. Alternatively, you could just obtain the original track outside of it’s mixed context.


No, this is a bug report about stuttering/lagging when playing large songs and then using cues. The song itself loads fine, it’s also smaller than the file limit.

That thing with the “general tone” and the “moderator” is a really good point. Like your first reply to the other post was off-topic garbage about what kind of track I’m playing as if that had any relevance to the issue.

Maybe you should think twice about if it’s good work on your part that I have to flag “moderator comments”, you probably sit there and unflag them yourself, amiright?

Flagging a moderator comment is also a very wise thing to do…

Please elaborate…

Awesome, thank you very much!

You mentioned limiting the playhead jump amount, this sounds like it’s more a file size/memory limit than track length, let me know if I should try other formats or parameters like bitrate or more/less compression to further fence in the issue.

And yes, I’ve already cut the recording down to prevent this from happening, still I feel like this should be fixed.

What you call “off-topic garbage” might still be valid questions to get to the bottom of the issue. You should know that as a developer. If you’ve found my comments garbage as well, then so be it. It was not meant that way. Not every comment is an attack. Even made by the “three reasons”.

Loading large tracks seems to give issues on the Primes, that’s why you requested that in the link mentioned. Like I said, it should simply work like you want it to. AIRVince was brought in for this issue to have it tracked in JIRA.


I call it “off topic garbage” because your “question” was:

  1. not a question but a troll comment meant to move the conversation in the direction of declaring my topic a non-issue
  2. irrelevant to the solution of the problem
  3. not the first interaction with you in this regard

Not every comment is an attack, as well as are flags as off-topic. The refer to your forum privileges at that point just made you look like some sort of corrupt cop.

I’m not here to have off topic discussions, otherwise I’d post in the off-topic forum.

I hope we’ll have more pleasant interactions in the future and solve many issues together to bring the engine ecosystem forward.

Yes we had some special interaction, but you started calling me forum king/God or something like that out of nowhere. :wink: I even helped you getting the SSH access request to devs; look what I got in return. :slight_smile:

We agree to more on this forum than you might think!! Please read between the lines in a positive way sometimes. It’s not all negative. On the contrary.

@AIRVince and I are trying to keep this community as open as possible. It’s not all a “shitshow”. :innocent:

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Guys… can we at least pretend it’s the holiday season and be nice to each other. Let’s try to make it to New Years at least…


on my prime 4, I have used several times different sessions that I have recorded on the HD, for background music during meals… they are all more than 3 hours long and I have never had problems, and then I have started mixing without having to restart or anything like that, so the problem is not the size of the file, it has enough memory, as normal it takes a while to analyze the grid, but since I don’t use it, I don’t care, the music starts playing from the moment I press it. I press play, even though the wave is not loaded.

Prime4 is local storage only for the whole device. The problem seems to lie in the networked player as reported by lerk and requested for improvement.

Unless I’m wrong, large tracks opened on the player containing the SSD don’t show above bug. Correct @lerk?


270MB seems to have been the link limit for years.

I am curious what happens with large hires audio from something like Tidal, though.

Those get downloaded to each deck. Meta data is shared via link

Is there any apparent size limit on them?

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