BPM and key Info not showing on tidal tracks

I recently purchased denon dj prime 2. I linked it to my tidal account but unfortunately bpm and key infos are not showing in playlists. My engine os version is the latest: 2.2.1

It won’t show until the track is downloaded


If I have a Tidal playlist without BPM and Key and would like to have this information before I start playing with the tracks I do the following.

  • Change the streaming quality in Tidal settings to low (this will speedup the download)

  • Use the “Track Skip Next” Button to load the next track

  • As soon as the song is downloaded and analysing is started you can load the next track (the track will be analysed in the background)

  • After all is analysed I change the Tidal quality settings back to normal

This way, analysing is really fast and I have the BPM and Key information before I start playing the song.

It’s unbelievable why Engine OS is not giving us an option to analyse songs in a playlist at once. :frowning:

Some days ago I played around with Djay and guess what, there is this option for every Tidal playlist.

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Analysis can be done in Rekordbox and VirtualDJ too.

Denon really need to add the streaming services to Engine DJ, so that playlists can be analysed before copying over to the players. At least this way any incorrect BPMs (beat grids) can be fixed, as that’s another thing which still isn’t possible on the players.

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Hi @PKtheDJ this sounds great.

But if analysed in Rekordbox, how will it end up on our Engine OS devices ?

I would not expect that Tidal tracks with all the information are exported from Rekordbox as XML, then imported from Denon DJ and then exported to a database on a USB stick.

Can you point us to a tutorial or is this simply to possible ?

I just stated that Rekordbox and VDJ can analyse Tidal tracks, in addition to your mention of Djay.

Thanks @PKtheDJ, now I got it. I already was happy to hear that we could combine Rekordbox with Engine DJ to get what we are looking for :slight_smile:

So there is Rekordbox, Setato, VirtualDJ and Djay already implementing what is not available in Engine DJ. Maybe even Traktor Pro will include Tidal within one of the next release. Since Engine OS is already supporting it roughly, this should not be a too difficult step. Lets hope and wait.