Beatsource streaming intermittent on Prime Go+

Just wanted to report an issue with Beatsource. On Saturday morning I tested it on the Prime Go+ and only a percentage of tracks were actually downloading to be played.

Tried again this evening and couldn’t get any to play at all.

Can this be investigated please as I am paying for a service I can’t actually use. Thank you!

You are paying Beatsource subscription to inMusic?

No, paying Beatsource (as you know) however there seems to be a specific issue with the Prime Go+ as the same streaming service is working perfectly well in VDJ with no issues.

I tried again later and it worked OK so the issue seems to be intermittent.

Wifi signal on the Prime Go+ showed 3 bars so not a connection issue from my side.

Important info should always be noted in the first post :+1:

Also, it that is of any revalance, all the issue(s?) so far with streaming temp not being available on Denon hardware were on the provider side with their API.

Cheers, will keep an eye on it.

It seems to me, from what the message says, that the problem is at their end. These are things that can crop up when using streaming services. Don’t rely on them too heavily.

Sometimes they change some aspect of their login process or the way the site communicates, and our devices or software require updates - and that’s not always instant.

I would never rely on it for a gig, more just for use on the sofa for discovering new music etc.

Just wanted to highlight as above it was working in VDJ but not on the Prime Go+ which would suggest an issue with the deck itself rather than their servers.