Since the last update, the phase/beatkeeper displays on my two network-linked SC6000s are constantly shifting. In addition, the master display sometimes does not work properly. Both are suddenly displayed as master despite the fact that only one deck is running and the other is not. This was not the case before version 4.2.0. It’s annoying when the displays are constantly out of sync even though the tracks run together correctly.
Does anyone have the same problem?
When I use layers A and B the problem is not there.
It is only with two linked players.
How are you networking your decks?
Booth player are connected to an Gigabit Hub with Internet connection. I also use Beatport streaming.
well, we can rule out Wifi for sure.
I had issues with sync working at all in 4.2.0 and am downgrading to 4.0 tonight.
Can you create & share a (clear and not shaky) video showing this happening?
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I think it is due to the lan connection in conjunction with the hub. If I connect the players directly without the hub, the error disappears. But now I only have the wifi connection for streaming. But I would prefer to use a solid cable connection for streaming. And what I don’t understand is that it worked without any problems before the update. I’ll keep an eye on it now and report back.
I have now tested it for a few days and have to say that it does not work as reliably as before the update. It mainly happens when I work with Beatport streaming and it doesn’t matter if low quality or lossless is selected for streaming. The players do not reliably recognize their status via the network. I mean, you can work with it if you adjust the songs by listening. But I still want to be able to rely on the phase meter when I’m running three tracks together. Then I could also save myself the trouble of setting the beatgrid pinibel and clean. And I check this for every new track I buy or have in my streaming database. It drives me crazy when the visuals are no longer correct even though everything has been analyzed correctly. Can anyone confirm this? I have also reset both players to factory settings but it’s still the same. It works a bit better when I have them connected directly and stream via wifi, but it happend also.