Are Pioneer shook?

If that is true then it went well over my head as that is not my vibe at all but i maybe in the minority on this one

Nah I’m just kidding:)

I have met plenty of DJs who wear blazers to mix though.

This is not delusional…this is denon marketing. And as for the suits, if we’re already starting to look at other people’s panties, please, professionals, loosen your thongs because this is a forum, not a page for Denon Dj clappers.

Reese, if it’s not available then what’s the point of this update? Thank you for your understanding.

What are you on about?

To get more options into the flagship standalone controller inline with the lower range. Unless people would rather have a Prime2 with more stuff onboard than a Prime4?

Reese, I’ve been using Prime 4 since 2019 and would love to have features like RELOOP TOUCH which was the first touchscreen controller specially designed with the VDj team

You’re all over the place here. Reese has explained to you why they needed to make changes to the Prime 4 to incorporate the new FX (and also allow the sampler to be directed to chosen channels) and you’re on a tangent about some discontinued Reloop controller :person_shrugging:t3:

Is this your modus operandi? make a divisive comment then completely fly off to another subject when questioned about it?

Perhaps they were unable to keep the Sweep FX audible in the headphones AND deploy important features that people have been requesting, have you considered that?

Wish I could at least turn off analysis on Prime, or, better yet, hide the results from view and just have it affect beat jumping & smart loops.

Prime definitely lit a fire under their bum, but when I can’t use my non-M players with ungrounded power without certain provisos in the careful use of the touch platters, have to shake the platters vertically to prevent electrical contact issues as a result of poor jog tension design that produces plastic on plastic dust inside, or require my Ms to be left on an hour prior to use to ensure the thickened motor lubricant doesn’t make the speed inconsistent & sluggish at higher pitch settings, I don’t feel Pioneer DJ is at much risk yet of losing its place as the standard install DJ front-end in clubs.

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Come on. Don’t duck the question asked of you earlier by just trying to point at a video and say “if you’ve watched the video you won’t have to ask me about total lies” …. It’s a fair question, what do YOU think constitutes “a total lie” in your own words.

Denon have never created a video previously to advertise “a total lie” so we’re all interested in what you’ve seen in the video, that no-one else… including, it seems The Oxford English Dictionary, has found.

Or is it just this “streaming is up and down not just one way, so prime shouldn’t advertise it can stream if it only does one way” (and to be fair, up streaming lost a shot-load of interested desperates since lockdown meant DJs could earn a Buck in public environments.

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He appears to have completely misunderstood the streaming feature on Denon Prime to mean that he can broadcast to e.g. Twitch directly from the hardware…

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Chosen to misunderstand id guess PK.


Actually, now I’ve looked at that Facebook post, it’s badly worded.

Rather than “unrivaled streaming music accessibility” IMO it should say “unrivaled streamed music accessibility”. Regardless, I think most of us are capable of understanding what the phrase means. :joy:

No not at all I know Pioneer will still be the go to for the majority of Dj’s certainly the top DJ’s, Denon are in this for the long run and it may take 5 -10 more years before, there is a clear uptake on Denon’s side

Perhaps, but I’ve been using InMusic gear for 22 years and have only seen a marginal improvement to QA/QC in that time, though admittedly they’ve been much more receptive to interaction for improving their hardware & firmware than Pioneer DJ, even going so far as to solicit it. One could justifiably make the argument that in some ways Pioneer DJ does not require such interactions from users to reach at least a higher outcome quality, if not a higher feature set.


One of the Denon DJ team has stated here that it is possible to bring back the pre-listening of the sweep FX.

Respond to this post and he will get to see it.


For Pioneer’s flagship players i’m shocked how slow that processes.

‘Pioneer feature that might just change everything!’

Perhaps if it was a feature on the Nexus 2 when they launched, but i don’t see how people would wet their frillies over this, nor do i think it will change everything.

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Maybe the RGB takes more time. Other than that I would have expected it would be flying as well, being a newer “SC5000”…

Haven’t had any experience with this device myself, but if you’re missing features on Prime4, go ahead and create them in the Feature Request section.

If it is specifically in combination with VDJ, make that request on their support page.


Just to understand, is it that picture you referring to with streaming? image

That they should have written: “streaming from music platforms” an not only “streaming” because this looks to you like you could sent Live streams to a website?

Before i say anything, i am curious to understand it right.

And with the Sweep FX in Cue, as people said here it is maybe coming back. The Release 3.XXX is a little bit like Windows 10 to Windows 11 or a new Mac OS version. Sometimes things change to the good or worse, depending on the work style of individuals. But the Denon Team is pretty open to suggestions and is maybe bringing it back. If you want consistency dont upgrade. New features need some redesign of old coding/features which will always end in changes for old stuff. But is this not the nature of a change? :smiley: Pioneer is pretty good at keeping everything the same, maybe thats the way to go or downgrade to 2.XX until the Sweep FX is “fixed” for you. This is no attack just a neutral response, dont mean to offend you.

Best thing is how a praising of the Denon Team, became so fast a negative thread because of two things that are not defining the whole product. Ahhh the Internet, what a lovely place sometimes.