Akai MPC 3 (standalone OS) beta download now available

Download the MPC 3 public beta for standalone MPCs right now.


Akai’s way of doing live stems is interesting … an additional add-on charge

Better than having to buy a whole bit of brand new kit or trade in an older model

But … if it’s not absolutely free, for all the other primes (aside from the prime four plus) … there’ll be riots lol

It’s a small price to pay - and it gives you standalone stems (not great quality at the moment) plus better stems in the desktop software.

This MPC 3 update though really shows what the CPUs are capable of.

MPC 3 looks AMAZING! Signed up for the beta and ready!!

Nice to see several FORCE features now in MPC, like full arranger or disk streaming.

Great update! It was a bit quiet around Akai in the recent months, now we know why.


And it’s FREE which is good on InMusic! Continuing to add value to their products is unbelievably consumer friendly!

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Yeah, I’m beginning to see now why Traktor users were complaining about the upgrade fee for Traktor 4.

NI didn’t really add that much value: non-live stems (so no use for streamed tracks), “flexible” beatgrids that have be adjusted manually, an almost pointless pattern player (when they already had remix decks) and a maximizer. Oh and they fixed the flickering browser bug that should have been sorted years ago.

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Now available to download!