About vu meter?

this is a deal breaker for me

There’s always something

Yes I hope a firmware as well with cross fader disable can be added soon. I mix with the line fader

no input vu is a no go, especially for a unit that doesnt provide autogain.i dont need autogain. but i def.need vu metering for both line channels… maybe a small small vubar on the left and right side of display or switchable master led vu.


Plus 1 for this feature. It’s becoming ever so clear that when I’m mixing two different tracks that it can be hard to tell where I am in terms of gain for each channel even when using the split cue to listen to them both through the headphones.

Please add this denon.


Or they could make the current GO top meter LED equivalent to the second-to-top meter LED on the X1800/1850 instead of peak. That might work. Maybe when you hit the limiter, the meter could also go in reverse, as in light from the top-down with the bottom dark. That would be pretty useful.


  • 1 for this feature


I feel handicapped without this feature



ANY kind of visual indicator here is going to be a massive feature.


+1 for : cue metering visible in touchscreen or when CUE is pressed on + shift could change Master meters to Cue level ? thanks in advance Denon :sunglasses:


+1 ! For vu meter on screen and/or auto gain please!

Or just give option that the top physical meter can meter each channel would be best and master Vu meter on screen


+1 for this feature

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Definitely +1

For me this is the only thing this unit is lacking, just hard to know sometimes even listening through headphones how soft or hard the song is going to come in when mixing especially as I play a lot of HipHop and mixing newer tracks with older tracks where the outputs are a lot lower. I’ve managed to work with it for now and trained my ears even harder but would make life a lot easier if we just have it added in.

+1 and yes I’ve liked it on other posts too which mention having this feature.


+1 please add it to the screen.

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Guys, latest update… nothing about channel vu-meters ! Hope will be next one,

What’s the number of that update/firmware?

Numark can have this feature but the prime go can’t. :rofl:


Adding functionality to a device isn’t always as simple as updating the firmware.

These devices have internal electronics, and if the unit has the feature when it ships, then clearly the internal design supports it.

If however the unit did not ship with that function, then maybe the internal electronics are not capable of providing that via a firmware update.

True but I do remember the unit didn’t have the feature to disable the cross fader. But a firmware fixed it. So I do think it might happened. Maybe :thinking:

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