A small Sc6000 feature request …

I’m a an owner of a sc6000M and the sc6000 and a pair of the LC 6000. My request would be to able to flip my layers when I have my LC6000 connected. I have my LC6000s on stands above my pair of sc6000 I’d like to flip the wavelengths so that the track being played on the LC 6000 is on layer A and the one playing on the sc6000 is on layer B . Oh an can we have the RGB wavelength for the tracks

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What makes this a small request? It could be quite a task

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Continuing the discussion from A small Sc6000 feature request …:

The being able to swap the wavelengths should be fairly straight forward. and would be beneficial to users that have the LC6000s on the outside of the set up ( lc600,sc6000,mixer,sc600,lc6000) with the wavelengths in vertical view. in that case only the left side would need the wavelength swap … in my case where I have my LC6000 above my sc6000 Id like to be able to see the wavelengths in this layer order

LC600 layer A | SC6000M layer B | MIXER | LC600 layer A | SC6000 layer B

I’ve accidently stopped the wrong deck a few times with a bunch of loops on the go.

as for the RGB request it seems that every other platform has decided that that’s the standard. for a while traktor had that blue waves, as did pioneer on the cdjs … serato had it right from the start. all I’m saying is that its become a standard used across the board to recognize sounds visually. also with stems coming it might be another visual aid as well as maybe convincing hold outs to switching over. I’m all for the engine dj being different/unique in that aspect but IMO its an option that has more than one thing going for it.

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People seem to say this a lot on these forums, often without the knowledge or skillset to back it up. Id say it’s probably best to let the Dev team decide what is and isn’t easy to implement.

As far as RGB Waveforms go, there is a feature request you can vote on for it, I haven’t because I find it largely irrelevant.

So, basically you want the layer change button on the main non-LC 6000s to flip which layer is on the main and which one is the LC for each pairing? That seems simple enough. I’m surprised that’s not already implemented. Right now the LC is just always the B layer?

As for the RGB waveform thing, there are many different iterations of them in various color schemes, some people want to avoid certain colors to account for color blindness, and others want to just get rid of them. Easiest method to do this and a bunch of other stuff people want is the following feature request:


Which is kinda related to the limited capabilities referenced here:


MATE — TELL ME ABOUT IT. I recently swapped from SC6000M Layer A | MIXER | LC600 Layer B to LC600 Layer B | MIXER | SC6000M and because I rely on a single screen… it’s just a mind f***.

The fact that physical placement of the decks isn’t taken into account in the software just baffles me…

You can change the top placement AB to BA, but not the waveforms (top-bottom).

However, layer colors should give you an indication of what’s what or not?

How do I change top placement??? (now I feel dumb…)

Hold Shift+View for about 1 second.


Dude… Yes! So happy right now.

There’s a request to change top-bottom as well. People seem to want top-bottom change when converting to BA (which is kinda understandable).


Surprised that the flip isn’t automatic…

Well, it could read channel layout of the mixer, but for now it doesn’t. :wink:

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