A Denon or Rane all in one with motorised jogs?

I maybe in the minority on this one but I would really like to see an all in one standalone with motorised jogs if Denon or Rane made this I would consider buying it as it I would probably replace my sc live 4 with it, if it can perform real time stems and has the mixer layout of the x1850 or sc live 4, ten inch screen would be preferred but i can live with 7. It will be heavy but hopefully not too heavy. Just my little wish list device wise for 2025

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How about a Mixtour form factor with one Prime GO jog and a 8" touch screen in portrait. It would be a skinny Prime GO with one jog and no xfader :rofl:

Or a Rane Performer with 12" jogs with 8" touch screens inside the motorized jogs running Engine.

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I would love to see a Rane one with engine os on a 10" screen with a better mixer section, like the 72. At minimum, the up faders and cross fader need improved.


Honestly stick a 10" screen on a Rane Peformer and I’m all over it


Why not just use the Rane One with an iPhone or an iPad?

  1. Engine does not work on an iphone or Ipad
  2. I don’t want to have to go through the hassle of converting my Engine library to Dj Pro which I don’t think can be done at the moment anyway
  3. I personally don’t like the look of that set up from an aesthetic perspective

13" or higher. I’ve seen so many posts that a 10" isn’t large enough because either the DJ has poor vision or they’re too shackled to a laptop, so the screen size should match that.

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I mean I’d always take a bigger screen . . . :joy:

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