Very first Search after power-on takes ages

Ok…had another Club-Gig yesterday. What can I say: All the search issues I saw were gone now with an internal SSD installed in my P4!
After booting the P4 it still takes 2-5 Minutes until all search and sort functions are fully usable but after this waiting time all tracksearch and sort/filter requests are handled fast and reliant. P4 does neither go through this index creating process again unexpectedly nor any screens are blocked when searching.
So it is safe to say: Do not use your Prime 4 in combination with large track libraries on external disks…trust me: I have learnt it the hard way…

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Did you try switching sources eg go from SATA SSD to usb stick and back to the SATA again

Probably this might be helpful to this conversation in a way.

I used to have issues with searching and saving my mixes to USB drive until I realized the USB Drive read/write speeds were a big factor so I purchased “SanDisk Extreme PRO 256GB USB 3.2 Solid State Flash Drive for High Speed Transfer 420MB/s Read Speed” and I never had problems after that.

When my database and library overgrew the 256GB drive, I purchased “BUFFALO External SSD 1TB - Up to 600MB/s - USB-C - USB-A - USB 3.2 Gen 2” and it handles pretty well.

I connect them on the top USB slots without a lag in search and any other feature. I also have a internal SSD though I use it more for backup than actual playing music from. It should even be faster than the two USBs I use most of the time.

Updating: I usually don’t update my database and music via the Engine Desktop “Sync Manager” as I found it disorganizes the folders a lot and keeps the music in a way only it could understand. I still want my music in specific folders just in case I need to move/copy/or delete. So this is what I do:

  1. I update my music (let’s say I have a new folder with new music), I update in one flash drive, copy the music and then analyze on Engine Desktop
  2. Once I know that my music is good the way I want it, I then delete the Engine Library from the disk I want to update and copy a new one from the flash drive I have already updated. I then copy the new folder with the newer music to the drive I need to update (making sure I mirror the folder structure from the source)
  3. That way my music is the same. I avoid deleting everything on the drive I need to update and copying again as it takes a lot of time.

FYI, my library is about 48K songs.

Hope this helps someone. Thank you.

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Great to hear you got it sorted :raised_hands:

Imo I can’t believe the SATA drive is missing from the SC Live units as it truly sets Denon apart from the rest with fast storage options.