TIDAL Error - Operation Timed Out

Last time this happened it was an issue on Tidal end and was fixed within 24 hours.


I’ve got the error plus my phone app and laptop app are both playing up with slow connections

Noooo! I’m about to start my internet radio show and am getting this Tidal error to.

And I just tried firmware 1.6.1, still have the error.

Just signed up to see if this was an issue. Can confirm here on Prime 4s, operation timed out. Good to hear it’s not something terminal with the decks (first used them today!) and will wait for a fix.

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There is a lesson to learn from this.

Don’t depend on DSP services for mission critical jobs


It´s allways good to own some music. Or a second streaming provider. Soundcloud works.

I do have my own music on the internal SSD. Its just frustrating because I have spent a long time preparing to use a Tidal playlist (Tidal app works fine elsewhere) and now I can’t.


I know it´s frustrating for now. I wanted to do also a set for myself. So I played some tracks I haven´t played a long. It could also happen if your internet provider had an issue. It is like it is. We have to wait, till they fix it.

Heads up.

Fair enough, but this is the direction the industry will be moving towards in the future, and one could argue that once offline lockers become more robust (like those services already offered by BeatSource) we should feel quite comfortable relying on these services.

Otherwise, we could make the same case for using DSPs as our primary sources of music consumption, but that doesn’t seem to be changing or disappearing any time soon. Also, in this case it’s not TIDAL specific, but Denon specific, so it’s good to have redundancy through external DJ software in case you need to access those streaming services (for example, accessing TIDAL through Serato which works just fine currently).

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I’m not against streaming per se, but will not use it for mission critical jobs.

I think they treat them differently to say the iOS or Android app.

For example Tidal can push updates easily to those. It does not appear to be same for Denon hardware.

I’m not an IT guy

Pulselocker had a locker system for unlimited offline storage. Just log in once a month was the caveat. One faithful day, they decided to close shop! No head ups. They even took payment from some people on the day.

Beatport was in the news a few years back…allegedly not making enough money from sales.

It’s just something to have at the back of the mind…


Ahhh Pulselocker…what a tragedy. It’s true, there’s nothing ensuring these services will last. I guess the only caveat here is that these DSPs don’t rely predominantly on DJ-derived revenue streams (not sure if Pulselocker offered streaming services for regular consumers, but if it did, perhaps it was likely a small portion of their revenues).

Nevertheless, streaming is a weak margin business, so it’s best to choose the horse which is the least likely to fail (probably Spotify). Even though the platform never really offered lengthy DJ software integration (apart from Djay Pro), luckily, we now have services like TuneMyMusic (which I personally use), so if TIDAL were to fail, I could relatively seamlessly transfer my Spotfiy playlists / tracks to another provider. Again, all banking on the assumption that Spotfiy is here to stay.

Honestly, I wouldn’t mind purchasing a large portion of my music library back for emergencies (used to only use hard drives back in the day) if there was a service that could import my Spotfiy playlists and link them to sources where I could purchase them.

HypeMachine has sort of done this (Albeit for Bandcamp only) through merch table (Merch Table) but it would be very useful for general releases. I may even start tinkering with this idea because to my knowledge such as service does not exist yet. Not sure how profitable it would be, but certainly interesting to explore.

There are rumours that Apple wants to close its music purchase service as well.

I know Google Music Play is no more.

Beatsource sells music (commercial stuff), so there is that.

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Just chiming in to confirm that I’m experiencing the same issue on my PRIME Go. I actually just got it out of the box this afternoon and assumed I had configured something incorrectly on my end. Hope the issue gets sorted soon!


Same issue today. I was worried it was 1.6.1 so … glad it’s not that I guess! Hoping Tidal gets it sorted soon :confused:

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Same issue on Prime 4

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I opened a support ticket with Tidal and got this response:

"I’m very sorry to hear you’re having this trouble!

Our Team has confirmed this is a known issue that is being worked on.

A fix for this will be released as soon as possible, we appreciate your patience in the meantime."

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It is being worked on.

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Hi Everyone,

TIDAL services have been restored for Engine OS devices. We apologize for the brief interruption.