Ssd issue on windows

WAV is generally uncompressed bitstream PCM. It has been like that for nearly 30 years.

I don’t think the Pioneer compresses the WAV, but who knows. You could wetransfer a short recording and paste a link here for me to check.

all my old records are in WAV after Mixing with DDJ-RX Pioneer, trust me.) had checked my file and a 3h Mix was smaller than my 2 h Mix from last Night with the P4.

i think that Pioneer make directly in the Device a compression. a great Tool, so hopefuly Denon learned from Pioneer.-)lol

BTW; with Lame XP, i try to make a smaller file. it takes really longt time(50MB DSL at Home) on soundcloud. with the smaller Files from Pioneer it was much faster at Upload.-)

Just convert to MP3. Not a single streaming company has a decent quality anyway. You can upload a high bitrate WAV to SoundCloud or Mixcloud and it eventually ends up as a 128kbps bitstream.

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No way. Want not make MP3…read it .–)

and its senseless zu Buy AIFF at Beatport and then you make a MP3 Compressed File.-) You know?.)

WAV sounds better and hav less loss of quality.)

Yes WAV is the best possible recording method with zero loss of quality (most of my music collection is), but if you end up putting it online it will be compressed anyway, so crap becomes more crap.

So if your Prime4 recordings are for online purpose, than simply convert WAV to MP3 with like 320k compression to save diskspace.

If your Prime4 recordings are (also) for your own archival purpose, than keep it WAV (storage costs are very low these days) or convert to lossless like FLAC.

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One other Question. Hope you can help.-)? between the mix…how can i switch the speed without hearing it while Mixing?


Wie kann ich die Geschwindigkeit ändern von der Musik während ich auflege, ohne das man es hört wie es langsam schneller oder langsamer wird.

Bei meinem DDJ RX konnte ich es in der Software eingeben und dann im richtigen Moment durch klick der Entertaste bestätigen.

Zudem fiel mir auch auf das es manchmal gar nicht funktioniert die Geschwindigkeit zu ändern. Sicher hat das was mit dem Keylock zu tun…aber manchmal dauert es ein paar Sekunden bis die Geschwindigkeit sich ändert obwohl ich diese bereits schon verändert hatte!


Haven’t used a Pioneer CDJ actively since 1994, do you mean that you could type a pitch value and press enter? That’s not possible on a Prime.

I think you mean this? See: SC5000M Pitch slider freezing & firmware update issue - #3 by Reese

hm.ok. Found not the rights answer to me. i will try it self later.

other question, ist that normal that booth players go down or up with the speed when i take the left or right pitcher with my hand?

“Haven’t used a Pioneer CDJ actively since 1994, do you mean that you could type a pitch value and press enter? That’s not possible on a Prime.” OK; is that possible that i can switch from 122 bpm to 125bpm for excample while mixing?

I don’t know how to explain the obvious stuff.

Pitch changes tempo. So if you want to go from 122bpm to 125bpm, you need to change the pitch fader to the + direction. If pitch reacts on both players, you’re probably using SYNC.

Because it’s dual layer, the pitch fader needs to catch-up, if you changed it on the other layer. Read the link I posted that explains it. It is also called soft-takeover.

The Prime4 kit is an advanced device. Begin by reading the manual and check all the options.

Also this goes a bit off-topic here. Perhaps it’s better to start new topics with separate questions, so more people will react and help you better. There surely must be a German speaking Prime4 user here, that could better explain and answer your questions.

Pitch changes tempo. So if you want to go from 122bpm to 125bpm, you need to change the pitch fader to the + direction. ROFL.-) thats clear and Logic.))

Because it’s dual layer, the pitch fader needs to catch-up, if you changed it on the other layer. Read the link I posted that explains it. It is also called soft-takeover. Makes Sense.-) Thx -)

Yeah i will more read and more playing with my P4 to find more stuff and cool tools what it has.-)

Also alles klar!? :wink:

Sometimes other users have already had the similar questions, so do search the forum also. And don’t limit the search to Prime4 as de SC5000+X1800 share the same philosophy!

yeah,alles klar.-) Hav found new Failure. The “On” Button from FX2 Effect Station goes on…without pushing this Button. I start the Track end the “ON” Button has activate himself! ( Big Dislike!

Where can i post it here in the Forum? to many Themes here…:wink:

Prime4 bug or just start a normal topic.