Ridiculously Slow Syncing in Engine DJ Desktop

Removed all tracks from Engine DJ Desktop. Formatted SSD.

This problem persists. Trying to add five tracks has taken 30m (so far. I’m still waiting…)

That’s strange. Step by step tell me how you cleaned the desktop?

For Engine DJ Desktop, I removed all Playlists, and then I removed every track from the Collection. I thought about deleting some files, but figured that should do the same and this would be the safest approach.

If you have a better idea, please let me know.

The easy and sure way to do it

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Great video, and thanks for the suggestion. Even after doing this, I just added 56 tracks and it took 15m. That’s just the Sync time, not including the analysis.

It takes less than a minute to transfer these tracks to an SSD over USB 3.0 using Windows itself and not including Engine DJ Desktop.

I’ve been keeping rekordbox in sync with Engine DJ Desktop. I just add the tracks, let it analyze, and I sync rekordbox to an SD card via USB 3.0 adapter. It doesn’t have these problems.

I don’t say this to suggest either is better, just to give additional information and faith that Engine DJ Desktop should be capable of similar performance / it’s not necessarily my computer causing issues.

Have you got access to another laptop so you can rule out the computer? That way you would know its a fresh install, mp3, and library database.

Engine isn’t always the fastest when transferring 10+ gb, but its normally nowhere near as slow as you are experiencing.

The good news is, ever since the 3.4.0 Engine DJ Desktop update, my syncs have been going much, much faster, and according to the patch notes it looks like it was the SoundSwitch integration which was causing the issues.

Thanks so much for the fix guys <3


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