No filter or edit option in Beatport link

I’ve just purchased a MixStream Pro. If I go to the demo tracks or plug in a USB stick there are options to filter tracks or edit playlists but if I select Beatport link playlists there are no filter or edit options, why is that?

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1 Second this… Same have the same question.

To put it very briefly: because streaming services have limitations in their API and as such cannot be a replacement for having a downloaded collection of tracks for DJ-ing.

Search the forum for workarounds like the one listed below, give a vote for a feature request that is connected to it and start buying tracks you like if you are serious about DJ-ing.

SlayForMoney, it was a simple question that i had, hence why asked on this community due to the fact that i am new to Denon, always been Pioneer. The majority of people within this community are helpful & give advice etc.

However if you think i am some kind of novice when it comes to djing then your pretty much mistaken. I have purchased a lot of tracks & continue to do so, have an extensive catalogue of mp3’s again purchased & cd’s also.

Plus dont forget that anyone who streams using Beatport Link are paying for the service, so dont think its much of an ask to be able to sort by BPM/Key etc.

Please in future be helpful rather than commenting on a question thinking you know that person with comments like “if your serious about djing” when you have no idea of what my personal stance is on “djing”

Thanks everyone else for your comments/advice.

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I have no idea why are you replying to me when my answer was not to you but to the person who opened this thread?

Please in the future do not hijack other people’s threads.