New sata drive can’t connect to my laptop?

Open Disk Management (you need to be an admin of the computer) and look for a disk that has no volumes on it.

Read the steps first and check in what state the disk is in. Paste a screenshot here if need be.

Sorry for being thick as ■■■■ but where is disc management???

Rightclick on the Windows10 Start button. :wink:

Iv got that up and I can see it says it’s a NTFS FILE

Paste a screenshot. You don’t want to mess up your Windows boot-drive…

The SSD eventually needs to be MBR layout with exFAT format.

Iv done that

But when I go back into my deck and put it in stand-alone it’s still not finding it as source on my deck???

Please try an extra power cycle first.

Could be it is still GPT instead of MBR. When in computer mode (above Disk Management) check right mouse on the word “online”. If it says “convert to GPT”, it is rightfully MBR.

Can’t find this “online”

It was an indication area to right click. I mean this:


Haven’t got that as an option mate??

  • Reboot in computer mode again.
  • Open Disk Management.
  • Right click in this area:

What options are shown?

Says it’s a MBR

No, it tells you it cannot convert to GPT (greyed out), so it is already GPT… it needs to be MBR.

Please reread the steps I linked in my first reply.

More info here Btw, data on the disk will get lost when going from GPT to MBR.

Edit: my bad, it was greyed out because it has a partition in use.

I’m at work at the minute but when I click on it’s says it’s a mbr

Well. Then you’re all set.

:joy::joy::joy: that’s my problem il take a look when I get in mate and send ya a pic

I got your photo, thanks!


It shouldn’t be a “Microsoft Storage Space Device”. That means it was created by Windows10 as a pool of storage.

Don’t use this to create partitions:

Use only Disk Management. You’d see the real name of the device when showing properties, for instance: afbeelding

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Big thanks to Reece for his patience thanks so much for the help :metal:t2::metal:t2::metal:t2::metal:t2:

Ooh, I wasn’t even aware this stuff existed. Knowledge expanded. :sunglasses:

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