I just downloaded Engine Prime. Initial thoughts!

BPM range not wide enough. 78-155? will need to be 65-185 something. why is the collection i’ve imported from Serato alfabetic? and not the way ive put it in serato or Rekordbox? Why can’t i order my tracks in the folders? its stays alfabetic, not how it put in in Serato… Is it possible to get folders from the imported serato collection to the normal collection?

Maybe this topic helps: Differences between Crates and Playlists - Engine PRIME - Engine DJ Community

Bruh. how is software going to be able to tell if a song is 70 or 140 if your range is 65-185…

do you know if the SC5000’s search the same way? curious being you can’t link the software to the players to drag and drop so searching is really dependent on the player itself

I bet there could be a formula dictating that if a 3 minute track has 210 gridmarkers on a downbeat it could recognize it as 70bpm and if it has 420 it should be 140bpm. (…hits blunt.)

Finally so many functions are missing … We see that the software is incomplete

Thats a fairly blank comment, especially with many others already enjoying the software.

What features would you have liked to have seen within the Engine Prime Software ?

So I still can’t fully understand flexible beat grids in Engine Prime. Either I’m missing something, or it simply doesn’t work in the same fashion as it does in Rekordbox and Serato DJ. Putting beat markers down does not change the BPM from what I saw. If anything, it’ll speed up and warp the track when it’s not supposed to.

My Serato crates weren’t imported in order. They were imported in an Engine Prime specific order and cannot be changed. I’m assuming that I’d have to drag them all into Engine Prime’s collection to edit them.

Organizing by BPM in your Serato crates is basically useless. It won’t organize the songs in BPM. At all. I have playlists that are within 5 BPM of each other, e.g. 100-105 BPM, and songs are in whatever order Engine Prime imported them in. Ironically, it didn’t even import them in the same order as they are in Serato DJ. I bet in order to change that, again, I would have to import the songs straight into the Collection itself.

However, one thing they did get right was, as far as I tested, the grids for songs that are quantized to a single BPM imported almost immaculately.

You may be able to use the command line to install to your magnetic storage. Here is a quick how to install from the command line.

Sorry for the ugly URL.

Regards, RR

When will this future number be released?

Thanks, Brett

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It shouldn’t.

Imagine a tired or drunk drummer from the 70s - half way through a gig. He’s knackered. He’ll hit the drum 140 times in one minute (140 hits per minute) but… those 140 hits (beats) incthat minute might not be all the same distance apart… some will be closer to each other, some will be further apart than they should be… but… in any given minute, there’ll be 140 beats in that minute.

I’m not talking about live bands playing a track. I’m talking about transition tracks that go from one BPM to another. For example, I have a transition of “For Free” that goes from 80 BPM to 103.50 BPM. Transition tracks are popular among open-format DJs. As far as I can tell, Engine Prime doesn’t grid them properly like Rekordbox and Serato DJ will.

[quote]Disappointing to see some features removed compared to the Engine 1.5:

  • no link possible with SC5000 units
  • no support (export mode at least) for older hardware
  • no tablet version[/quote][quote=“DJ_Boothe, post:10, topic:3918”] Remember too that things which may show up, or perform one way right now in this initial version, isnt necessarily set in stone. [/quote]
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Thanks @addie this works however when I have updated excistings songs on my PC, e.g. added/changed cue’s/loops or added new songs to a crate… how do I know to copy these again to the thumbdrive to update it there as well.