Well, thats if I should say what the term ‘Very soon’ would cover… But its not like that in practice
It is always will be the “only when he is ready”
And I thank for that. It’s wrong to desire half un-ready firmwares
dont forget @all: only windows updates are faster, and we all see what can happen …
That’s what I was thinking, comparing to nexus?
The SC’s do more lmao, can’t say the same for the mixer, the x1800 effects are underwhelming.
As is the overuse and over reliance on effects to disguise poor elements in a performance.
I’m fed up of hearing flange for a third of the night, post-fader echo for a third of the night and only have the actual track discernible for a third of the time.
Great however that the x1800 has filters which are separate from sweeps, not combined like on nexus, and also all the effects bank on top of that
You gave a good laugh.
I admit that I overuse the filter+post fade echo.
Any news about the update?