It Looks like you’ve answered your own post.
Throwing toys prematurely out of cribs with talk of how you were about to buy a denon, and how you should have bought a different make and colorful blocked out words doesn’t incentivise anyone to go out of their way to rapidly assist. Especially at weekends
I’d re-check the cables inc power. And also if anything changed for the upgrade from how you’d usually play out, try changing the hardware back like different hardware or laptop or network cables
I’ve known a computer which had it own power supply earth pin Severed to stop ground loop hum try updating firmware and left that connected after the update, and it caused the platters to misbehave due to grounding. Also I get grounding issues from my platters if I have spare input phono leads hanging down from the back of the controller too, just plugged into the controller, nothing at the other end.