Engine 1.6 Available Now! Dropbox, Beatsource LINK, Flexible Beat Grids, Stacked Waveforms + More!

From now henceforce, today shalt be known as:

“ I M P L E M E N T E D D A Y “

And so it came to pass, and it was good :relieved:

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Not to be too stupid but this is FW for prime 4 right, not desktop?

And I’m going to need some help with the library management because I use gdrive, and I have no library saved to my pc, my cloud backed up library is the library on internal ssd of p4… I’m not sure how this is going to work…

Love this. Okay don’t kill be guys butttttttttt… does dual-waveforms work across players? Or just A and B layer on players?

This update is for the entire Engine ecosystem:

  • Engine PRIME
  • SC5000/M
  • SC6000/M
  • PRIME 2
  • PRIME 4

The stacked waveform feature in v1.6 is for layers on a single Media Player.

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Awesome job, Denon team. Your ecosystem is really growing and improving with every new iteration of software and hardware. Please continue keeping an eye on the user request forums and see what else can be done to take it to the next level. For now we definetly can be happy! Let’s hope we all gonna enjoy clubs and events again in summer :slight_smile:


Does it load songs from Dropbox on the fly, like it does it say beatport link? Meaning can you add stuff to the Dropbox and play it without resetting?

Can I still use it as library management, not as a streaming service…

I’ve got many questions but I’ve just gone to work and won’t be able to look at this until after midnight.

(Also a little gutted that yous chose to implement dB and not gdrive, 200gb on gdrive is only £2.49. db charges 7.99 at least.)

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Yes, you can add tracks to dropbox on your computer and fetch the changes on your Engine OS device.

Here are some resources to get you started and answer some typical questions.

Dropbox FAQ & How To


How do I access the dual waveforms? Can’t find a setting for that…

Shift + View :slight_smile:


Awesome! Thanks :slight_smile:

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All 3 SC5000’s players and Laptop successfully updated. Let’s try it tonight :wink:

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just installed EP 1.6. i can see the tracks and the previewplayer with all the hotcues , but when i try to load a track it A, doesnt load at all or B it loads , analyses (already did that) , but NO cue points show up. what am i missing , used to work flawlessly before!!!

Has the time stretch algorithm been updated? I might be wrong but it appears to sound better.


Here here :beers: Cant wait to check it out!

Hoping this fixes the frozen playback issue on the Prime 4. Also definitely looking forward to the flexible beat gridding - that is huge for tracks that drift (i.e. anything not produced in the last 20 years…)

This is massive! I’ve been enjoying the beta, so I’m very glad this is now public release.

However, now we have dropbox cloud, can we get Google Drive…? I’ve just purchased 2TB to backup my music on Google, be great if I don’t need to do the same with Dropbox :innocent:

Not updated yet but has the prime 2 got the dual waveforms or can your revert back to what it has pre 1.6??? Just think them full track waveforms be too small for prime 2???

Does this fix the Beatport Link log in issue?