[CONFIRMED] Collection and playlists are empty after updating to Engine Prime 1.5.1

Hi Frex,

No I don’t. It is a general issue,I think they released this version a bit too soon :frowning: I cannot get back my playlists anymore, the software is unusable now, can’t even create new ones…


I would like to suggest to try the 1.6 beta at this point.

Hi, There is no beta 1.6. available. My issue is still not fixed, I am still waiting for a reply from the support. I am waiting to use my Prime4 again since August… That’s too long.




Man this f**ing scks.

I updated Engine Prime last night to 1.5.1 and experienced the same thing. Co Platelet empty collection and no way of getting my old library back.

Seriously lost countless hours of organizing and setting up my crates only to have upgraded last night and now everything is gone.

It is beyond ridiculous that this happened. As much as I love Denon and their products this is unacceptable.

Beyond livid right now…


Revert to your last backup and try updating again.

Hi, My topic is open since August and no one could give me a solution, I lost hours of sorting ad analysis… Al the playlists that I have exported on USB cannot be import back in the system neither… That’s a real problem. Can someone help me?

Best, S

@Reese what’s your take on this?! I also ran into this yesterday. Prime 1.6 beta does not fix this! 18 weeks and no fix for this highly critical bug, that’s absolutely unacceptable.

Hello and welcome to the forum

It would be much more helpful if you gave details of your setup and what exactly happened, rather than just “I ran into this”.

The more detail the better. Computer type (PC or Mac). Operating system. Version of Engine Prime. Location of source data. Location of destination data.

As KDonadson said earlier in the thread, “mostly environment specific ie incorrect drive preferences / formatting &/or user account settings” so without knowing your setup it’s hard to diagnose.

I’ve never had any issues with losing data from Engine Prime.

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Same setup as @Samy, the orignal poster. Grey tracks with no metadata on macOS 10.5.6, Engine Prime 1.5.1 and 1.6 beta No tracks and no playlists on Denon Prime 4 firmware 1.5.1. Tested with USB stick (Fat32) and SD-Card (ExFat).