Adding custom artwork to the Center Platter view

I seem to recall, from quite a few years back, that there’s a way to have a specific piece of art work display on the center screen of an SC5000 or SC6000 when there’s no artwork associated with the file loaded. Am I misremembering this?

I don’t think it’s setup like that, it’s either a custom pic permanently or album art (so either artwork or blank)

I think there may be a feature request to have it setup up how you want it though.


Yes, so far it‘s just either art (blank when art metadata is missing) or logo.png in the root folder.

A combination of both would be nice, indeed.

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Hey I have a Prime 4+. Am I able to load my dj logo to the platters?

Thanks in advance

If you put your logo onto the stick in the root level it will appear when you put your USB sticks in.

Just drop it onto the stick and you’re good to go.

Hmm. I tried that on the sd card and no go. I’ll try a usb stick. Thank you :mirror_ball::two_hearts:

Have you followed the guide exactly? It has to be the right number of pixels and right file format. And be in the root folder.

Possible to point me to that guide? I can’t find it. Thank you

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It’s in the manual.

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Page 43


Must be a 600x600 logo.png named file on engine root folder :v:

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