Center Display Resolution?

The metadata images that are written into nearly every one of my (thousands of) tracks show up VERY blurry, or just outright distorted. I’ve scoured the user manual and can’t find a recommended resolution. Nearly my entire library has 500X500 JPEG album art written to metadata. I thought that perhaps the size was simply incorrect, but then I saw a post on Facebook of a person suggesting to someone that when they want to add a personal image to their Flashdrive that the image should be no bigger than 600X600 and that the image should be a PNG file. Does the SC6000 simply not support JPEG files? If not, can Y’all please add that support? If it already supports JPEGs, then do any of Y’all have any ideas as to why my artwork is showing up so poorly?

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Imported from rekordbox?

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The pics that I posted were from a Rekordbox created flashdrive. However, even my internal SSD drive, SD cards, and various flashdrives that were created in Prime display the same low resolution.

What about the JPG compression ? Just look if the MP3 compressor or Tagging program has no high compression rate for the image. Set it to max quality. With MP3 tag, you can also save back this images to your drive. When you load it then into a photoeditor, you can see if it is overcompressed or a problem from the player. 500x500 pixel jpg should display sharp on a photoeditor programm.

The platter displays have got nice sharp resolution. If something is looking blurry or blocky on the displays it’s down to some non-prime program or process compressing or reducing the resolution, causing the platter display to have to upscale.

Maybe a menu option of “undersized artwork: stretch or centre the undersized art”

Rekordbox import create crap quality covers on the players due to rekordbox downsampling the images as part of the export process. Any images exported as part of your engine library will have a matched resolution up to 600px X 600px.

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Yup, that why I asked him. Check this topic:


Thanks Y’all!!! I had no idea that Rekordbox reduced the image down to 80X80…that’s so stupid!! I knew it had to be something simple. I keep seeing all these pics of people’s Prime gear and their center display artwork looks fantastic. Happy to know mine will be looking the same shortly. Looks like I no longer have any excuses. I have to buy The Denon Conversion Utility now. I still play on CDJs quite frequently. I still need to have Rekordbox flashdrives for when I play out.

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Rekord.Cloud supports Denon now too.


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