Can we talk about the slow linked player issue SC6000?

The thing I dont get is my database has always been around this size if not bigger as they slimmed things down a few versions ago. A DB this size and larger used to be fine 2 years ago on my SC5000’s something must have changed or been added to the software that is causing this.

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Have exactly the same problem. Using rapid SSDs in both players. The library management needs a rethink. Performance has definitely taken a step back with each release.

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Until the matter is resolved or a consistent work around is found in the meantime I have moved some of playlists onto a separate SD card the read speed on the linked player has improved greatly but I was hoping that Denon could have addressed this sooner as it is not a new issue. My library has been the same size maybe an extra gig larger than last year so the sudden drop in read speed is strange.

Hopefully Engine/Denon can address as part of the to do list in 2024

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I find it funny that the read speeds are quicker connected to Engine desktop from the sc6000. The engine database is susceptible to corruption by just performing the basic operations within the desktop environment (I’m just about to rebuild one today). There is a lot to sort out library wise.



I am posting because I do not have this issue and it makes curious about why that is.

My engine library is about 500gigs, 5,000 files (give or take) and stored on an internal SSD on the 6000.

Upon boot the linked player does take some time to initially populate the list (probably around 30 seconds). And if I switch between certain folders on the drive it will again be a bit sluggish to repopulate (or when switching between user profiles on multipe USBs).

But I don’t seem to be having the extreme load times that are reported here. I wouldn’t call it fast , as a macbook or windows machine would be. But its not appallingly slow either (though faster is always better).

My only thought off the top of my head is that I do not have many small playlists? I tend to just work within several (3-4) very large folders and frequently sort by key as the main way for navigating through the directory.

I am also running the older firmware version 3.1.


Interesting, however my collection is about 32k tracks so it could be that.

One thing i noticed is that if i let my players “Cook” for some time (20-30 minutes?), switching between playlists on remote decks is faster.

Anyone else experience this?

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Damn, I never noticed that there were cooking functions in the SC6000M! Can we also make pizza there? :joy:


:joy::rofl: I honestly thought about “cooking a grenade” when I wrote that :rofl:

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