Good morning I found bugs in the SC LIVE 3.0.1 software. A couple of times the controller booted up without the jog displays on, I had to dial the deck number from the button to get the jog display to turn on. Another bug was the scratch function was disabled, I had to manually enable it from time to time even though I didn’t disable it. The third bug is that the controller froze during power off and I had to unplug the 12V power adapter plug from the controller.

Have you tried it at different venues - could be dirty mains power

Hello Pawel, Nice to see You here. As we talked yesterday, I would suggest to re-install the software and check again for the same issues. If they can be reproduced multiple times it can be a bug. So far I seen the “dark buttons” issue, but only one time right after the update. Power off and on fixed it for me.

Hi. Yes turning the power off and on solves the problem. Unfortunately, this is a random bug in the software. I also write software for microcontrollers in C and for PC in C#. I also test them, I am ISTQB certified. Re-updating doesn’t change anything. I even factory reset after the update. As I said, these are random errors. Related to starting SC LIVE 4. I also have SC6000M, there are no such problems.

I have had the shut down problem with SC Live 4 as well myself. I had to unplug the power cable too.

I have the same problem and unplugging power does not seem to fix it.

As reported in this thread, too (LED boot failure, Vinyl mode / Jog failure):

SC Live 4 overworking? - #20 by Bidbox

My SC Live 4 has frozen on shut down too, hoping it doesn’t corrupt any data etc.

Just one quick mini fix regarding this thread …:

Could a mod/admin fix the rather SHOUTY capitals in the topic title pleeeeeeeeeease and perhaps , for succinct search reasons for all future forum users could the topic title feature something about what the issue is.

Maybe: “SC Live 4 - sometimes powers up with no jog displays “

After all 3000 topics per year simply titled “Help !!!” Would give nothing away to someone trying to use the much underused forum search facility.

Cheers !

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There are a couple of issues in the same topic here.

For those interested in the can’t shut down issue, I’ve managed to hold down the power button for 10 seconds or so and it powers off eventually.

I have the same problem with the LEDs not lighting up. Almost every second boot, this is very annoying. No matter which firmware, even with the latest 3.1.1 firmware. Resetting to factory settings has also brought no improvement. In addition, during the last event I had the problem that all buttons next to the display (View, Menu, Load, Back, Fwd, Browse Know) suddenly stopped working. I had to restart the device in the middle of the event. That simply shouldn’t happen to a device in this price range. It is not a high-end device, but also not a cheap entry-level device for home where such errors are forgivable. Not to mention the extremely poor WiFi module with very weak signal strength and very slow download of songs, even when the WiFi router is next to the SC Live 4. (Yes, my internet connection is more than fast enough).

Don’t get me wrong, I love the device for its functions and innovative features. But all these negative things have now made me return the device to the dealer. If I get an exchange unit I will give the SC Live 4 another chance. But if it has the same problems again, I will look for other manufacturers and their products. It would be a pity, because it is actually the perfect device for my requirements.

The last 10 years I had a cheap <500€ controller with Traktor Pro and had not once such problems.

Please Denon, focus more on stable devices and software and less on new features.