BPM times in engine prime

EP currently will read the BPM information when tracks are initially imported.

But every track after been imported to EP will get analysed again for waveform, bpm and key. There is currently no way around this, this is the current issue.

At which stage will your Tool/Utility write the BPM info? Prior to EP analysis or after?

I found that EP will read the BPM information recorded in the track’s property stream (WinAPI technical term), and with auto analysis turned off, it will not re-analyze the track. It already reads the key from RB, and with my tool which manually injects BPMs into track property streams, it reads the BPM as well. So the only thing missing at this point would be the beatgrid. I will soon enough try on my gear to see what happens, but I was wondering if you folks already knew. I should know more later today, cross your fingers!

I believe it will.

Autoanalyse in EP just means it will not analyse new tracks on import.

With autoanalyses turned off, once you load a previously unanalysed track (with metadata intact) the track will be analysed in the EP software player.

Try this - Look for a track in your library with a wrong BPM in EP, make a copy of it, analyse it in rekordbox, then import that single track to EP (autoanalysis off), then load it into EP deck, you will see it being analysed

Being a turntable raised DJ, I don’t use computers for DJing; the main reason I got the Denon’s is because they have motorized platters allowing precision mixing of tracks stored on USB drives just like spinning on trusty Technics. So I will indeed be trying this but on the 5000M decks themselves - and I will definitely let you know if it works or not, with or without workarounds.

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Here’s the utility:


Please don’t hesitate to share!

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BTW I just tested a cleanly formatted USB drive on 5000M with an Engine Prime export, where the BPMs were read from the source files (using data recorded using my tool above), and without beat grids.

The 5000Ms perform auto-analysis, but they do not overwrite the BPM data - which is great news! It all seems to work exactly as expected.

I hope everyone makes great use of this workaround - until Engine Prime is fixed, at least!

Windows only right?

Amazing how it took you a day to this…2 years on and Denon still cant provide a solution…SMH

Tbh you’d be amazed what a single good developer can do in a day vs a week of weak developer time…

I would love to test it, but Mac only.

Hope it works great :muscle:

Well unfortunately it seems I spoke too soon.

In fact, although the correct BPM is initially shown in the 5000M deck, upon auto-analysis, this overrides once again with the incorrect BPM once the beat grid is in place.

Does anyone know how to disable auto-BPM analysis on the decks? Otherwise it looks like its a return for me. I really tried - as you can all see I hope - to make it work, but there’s only so much one can do to work around software issues that cripple otherwise excellent, fantastic hardware :confused:

I mentioned this in earlier post, the tool I use re-injects the bpm after Engine Prime analysis.

Google is your friend :man_technologist:t5:

Any mention of the third party tool in this forums leads to the post going to moderation.

No way around this. There is A feature request for selective analysis just like you will find in rekordbox, Serato , Traktor and other dJ software.

That’s a decision entirely up to you. At the end of the day you have to use what works for you. It’s been 2 years and it has not been addressed yet.

They need to open up the analysis and grid edit menu.

Does the re-injector tool (any keywords?) work around this issue though? It sounds like it still wouldn’t.

It is very bothersome indeed that the issue hasn’t been fixed in 2+ years…

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I’m RMAing my Prime 4. The problems with Engine Prime and the lack of meaningful and timely customer support are absolutely ridiculous.

While developing the new “face” of Engine Prime, the current software can be modified to allow reading the BPM value directly from the file ID3TAG at the same time with the option to turn off BPM analysis.

Does anyone know of a BPM analyser that collects information on tracks from Beatport or a similar website that has accurate intended BPM listed and writes it to the ID3 tag?

I noticed that a few of my tracks have the wrong BPM set to them (and even after adjusting the BPM and nametags old filenames still show up in the EP software on some of the tracks for some reason)

Not that i’m aware of. I use Serato to analyse all my tracks prior to adding to EP. Serato has better BPM detection and writes to tags. Some folks swear by Traktor as well (just make sure you select the settings to write the analyses to tags).

You may need to remove the tracks from EP collection and re-add them. I have noticed the same with hot cues as well. eg say i add a track to EP containing 1 hotcue, then i subsequently add extras hotcues and loops in Serato, even when i re-import that track from Serato to EP, it will not reflect the new hotcues and loops. Only way around is to delete the track from EP collection.

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Beatport Pro writes it in, doesn’t it?

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Beatunes does, it goes pretty in depth with what they analyze for but you can change all that in settings.

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This software (EP) is killing my love for the hardware at a rapid rate. Even basic 4x4 music, EP gets the 1st downbeat wrong. Still no real way to expand / collapse the beat grids is driving me insane and… the lack of flexible beat grids …O.M.Fing G!!! If you try using the downbeat marker throughout an old disco track with a live drummer (yes i did it correctly on every 4th beat - which took forever btw!) - the tracks starts speeding up like crazy towards the end of the track. ■■■!!! This is hands down the biggest issue with the entire Prime series at the moment. Denon, if you can’t do it properly, then please hire someone who can - this is just ridiculous! Do you honestly expect your customers to be happy with this?


Hey man they work with serato now, so aren’t all your problems solved? /s

But seriously, I feel your pain. I notice a bunch of basic 128 bpm 4/4 tracks slipping even when I manually beatmatch the two playing tracks. Additionally a massive portion of my tracks are not properly analyzed.

Crazy how the most basic functions don’t work properly with these.