Beatport Streaming & Recording

Doesn’t surprise me, they had loads of rubbish bootlegs for sale back in the day

Hello ! What does the application use? Greetings

I have a question, the higher the sound quality the card has, the better quality the recording will be?

Yes, in general a better sound card will give better recording quality. Given that the whole path is digital though, I wouldn’t expect the difference to be enormous - but you might have better ears than me :slight_smile:

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The quality of any recording starts with the source material.

If the source material is e.g. 5/10 then the result will be 5/10, regardless of your audio interface being 10/10.



If the source material is e.g. 5/10 then the result will be 5/10, regardless of your audio interface being 10/10.

This is 100% correct and can be compounded by any encoding you do - so for example if the source is AAC and you encode as mp3, you will lose further audio fidelity.

Lossless files on local storage (or streamed off Engine Library :wink: ) are the best solution if you’re concerned about the audio quality of your recordings

Further to this: If you’re then going to upload the recording to a site for people to listen to, then it’s possible the site will re-encode also.

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