Hi, I’ve recently encountered an issue where I am unable to add new tracks to my usb, move/delete playlists or export anything in playlists. but all my existing music is fine.
It has allowed me to move my entire collection to another USB but not in playlists. I’ve had to go through all my music on the new usb and put it all into playlists which has taken me days.
Someone recommended reformatting the USB to ExFAT and now the USB that wasn’t working now is.
All is back to normal but just wondering if anyone else has had the same problem and if so how they have resolved it.
Hi Josh, same problem here. I can not add playlists to my (brand-new) USB stick! Engine OS just adds the Stems - nothing more. The USB stick is formatted as exFAT from the beginning. Re-formatting didn’t change anything.
I am using Engine OS version 4.2.1. on Windows (was the same issue on version 4.2.0). 512GB USB stick.
That’s a big issue, my next gig is in two days and i don’t have a solution.
Engine devs: please deliver a fix soon!
I could use my old (128GB) USB Stick, without the updated playlists, that i actually need for the gig and without stems - but that’s not a real solution!
What I’ve had to do (and it’s the only thing it would let me do) is move my entire collection onto another usb but not in its playlists.
I’ve then had to get my old laptop out with the USB that doesn’t work properly and use that as reference to completely organise my music library. It has taken me literally days and go through thousands of songs one by one and re-organise the whole thing.
I then reformatted the old usb and put everything back onto that using sync manager.
Denon tech support said it’s due to a change apple has made somewhere in its data processing and to avoid issues like this arising in the future to upgrade my Mac.
Hi Josh, thank you very much for your answer.
In my case i have moved my entire engine music collection from my old Windows Laptop to a new Windows Laptop, some days before. I have never tried to add playlists to a USB stick, via the Engine Sync Manager, since then, until yesterday.
Was it the same in your case (that you have moved your Engine music collection to another PC) some days before the incident?
Maybe that’s a clue to the solution (maybe a bug in the new Engine version).
You are not able to crate new playlists to a Synced USB drive.
Engine dosen’t work that way, You add and create playlists in the main Engine DJ library then you have to use sync manager to then have the new additions or edits to ones USB drive, or external drive. Hence the problems your experiencing.
This may also be why you have no response from support, as Its in the user manual :•)
Its not the best or most convenient way of working but is the only way engine really knows what’s happening to the database…
I think you didn’t understand my issue. I - of course - always prepare everything in the main Engine DJ library on my PC, in Engine DJ Desktop software and always use the sync manager afterwards, to copy this prepared Engine music library on my three USB-sticks (always the same database). It has always worked in two years, until now.
I am not new to this software - like maybe you are.
Interesting, how many users in this community here act like they are Engine staff or something and defend the practice of the Engine support.
Sorry for the harsh words, but i am starting to have enough of this “tips” which are always blaming the user.
I mean the easy solution to that is for everyone to just ignore your posts, that’ll solve your problem, or will it?
On a serious note, sometimes there is an issue with a bloated hard drive (Engine not reading the capacity correctly) so the best course of action is to format the drive and start again.
If you have rendered stems, be aware that depending on file type it could quadruple the size of your library, so perhaps there isnt enough room on the disk to account for stems, in which case you may need to spread your music across 2, or think about reducing the amount of stems you have analysed.
Its is quite normal for us humans to make mistakes and to do it our way, so hence perhaps the user feedback and tips you receive. To be quite honest and from a teaching perspective, most errors are human based user errors or working errors.
And just because it worked before, dosen’t make it the correct way of working.
It is more than likely a software issue with the new 4.2, then. And perhaps its a way to re-think what is the best practice for your future working.
I simply haven’t experienced what your problem has been.
However Im still using 4.0.1 and not bothering with all this STEM THING!
As this could well be the problem to statt with??
Good luck
and on a side note Im not a “Denon” Fan Just a user lol
Hi [STU-C] and [dopeNL]. Thanks for your answers. I’m afraid no user knows the solution, because it seems like not many users encounter this problem. Maybe it is actually a problem with the 4.2. version of Engine Desktop software (sadly nothing new, that a new version breaks some things).
It looks like i have to wait until the Engine support answers (wrote a message to them last week).
It is very frustrating, i am a witness of this odd and always-been-there Engine problems since the two years i use this software. Always found a workaround by myself, but just by investing a lot of time in it. I have always tolerated it, at least until now.
By the way: In my experience long time problems in this bulky software don’t get fixed by the Engine devs / team, sadly.
This issue now is the first time Engine has given me serious problems (my long time client from the mentioned gig is probably gone). And my next gig is in less then two weeks. I am curious what the Engine support will tell me.
The bloated hard drive issue has happened to me on at least 3 different occasions now, I format the drive and re-install my library to solve it. Unfortunately I can’t replicate it with any consistency so the same will apply to any development you’re expecting, things need to be repeatable in order to be fixed.
Engine DJ support could really do with upping their game. I ended up moving my collection to another usb (as it wouldn’t let me move my playlists) and then start from scratch. Denon support said to me to upgrade my Mac which I have now done and no problems since. It took days to re-create my playlist but everything is back to normal now for myself.
If you have any questions on exactly what I did to overcome this problem feel free to ask as it is a very frustrating and stressful situation when gigs are coming up.