Unexpected reboots on Prime 4

My Denon Prime 4 keeps crashing. Reboots and then works again. Does anyone have any ideas as to what could be causing this? Is there a way to read log data from the device? I currently have version 3.0 installed. The audio data is on an SSD (Samsung 870 EVO 2.5" SATA 1000 GB).

Any pattern to the reboots? Certain tracks? Only after xx hours switched on? Only on tracks sources from certain online music suppliers? Only on tracks not analysed by Engine DJ software first ?

If no pattern it’s best to send it for repair at InMusic

I think the first troubleshooting step would be to take out the SSD.

Try reinstalling the latest update.

Thank you for the many feedbacks. I’m going to remove the SSD and outsource the music to a USB stick. At the same time I try to find a pattern.

If you search the forum for “Prime 4 reboot SSD” you will find some more topics but old ones about this happening in 2021 with old firmware and tracks that have been converted from Rekordbox database.

So I would remove SSD, test with just a few “fresh” tracks on a USB and with streaming services and see at what point will it start happening again.

One quick fix can be a factory reset.

You’ll have to log back in to any online services again but at least it’s factory fresh and eliminate any WiFi/online service issues.

I copied the contents of the SSD to a stick. I haven’t had a crash since then. Maybe I need to install another SSD. Which SSD are you using?

Samsung T7 shield are very good, very fast. I have two of them and never had a problem.

Hey, thanks for the feedback. What if I want to install an internal SSD?

Samsung evo or Crucial MX for SSD. AXE Memory for usb key. Format them in exfat. Check your files with mp3Val and Spek for flac and wav, delete all special characters in tags and files names. And that will be a good beginning to avoid bugs.

Had the same thing happen to me, removed ssd and just played off the Inbuilt tracks and it was still present. Sent it off to denon last November and they still have it… Last I heard was a new unit was bring sent to me, that was a couple of weeks ago. In all honesty I wanted a refund, it has been nothing but problems from the outset and I’ve now been without it for 6 months

Absolute joke of a company

Wow. That’s not good enough.

Still not got it, apparently I’m being sent a prime 4+ now…8 months later!!


That’s an okay outcome.

I was going to suggest that you cheekily ask them for the 4+ when I posted but held back. :grinning:

Good luck with 4+ and hope you have a better experience.

Arriving tomorrow :tada::tada::tada:

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8 months is absolutely terrible! No excuse for that. Did you send it to Denon or an authorized repair center? Worth knowing.

BUT! That’s a darn nice save there! Congrats and enjoy!!

It was still under warranty so I sent it back to the retailer. They told me it would sent back to denon and could take around 12 weeks as there was a sizable backlog at the repair centre.

I called the retailer around the end of February as I hadn’t heard anything back, they told me denon had decided it was beyond economical repair and I could get another one once some stock came back in.

I called the retailer again in April as I hadn’t heard anything back (again). They told me stock wouldn’t be arriving until June and I could either wait for stock, take a different set up (I considered at the pioneer RX3) or they were prepared to send me their display prime 4 from the shop if I wanted it. I didn’t fancy taking a 3 year old unit sodecided to wait it out.

It was just one of those perfect storms, wrong place at the wrong time

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Glad it all worked out either way! Enjoy the P4+!
