SC Players to have more more control over beat grids

I would like to request improved control over beat grids directly on Denon hardware players

99.9% of all my prep work is done on the players themselves. Having the ability to set anchor points and make fine adjustments to the beat grid or bpm would be a huge help, or more accurately it’s essential for me.

in a live situation if adjustments need to be made, other than simply moving the beat grid forward or backward we are stumped. For me, this is a real limitation. I do very little prep work in Engine DJ, other than adding tracks and making playlists.

my collection is massive, it would take me a decade to grid all the tracks that “flux” in tempo. So I will grid something in the cued-up deck. I have owned the SC6000’s now for about 2 months and I must admit I just assumed this would be possible. I have been caught out at an event more than once with this lack of control.

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Go ahead and vote on that existing request.

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