Prime 4+ freezing up mid set

This week my PRIME 4+ has frozen up on me mid set about an hour in… once with everything shutting down no audio and last night mid song but still playing audio and lights button wouldn’t work. Both times I could not shut off from the system and had to unplug it from the wall. It has never done this before in the last 6 months… Only change was I just put inside a new hard travel case. Could it be it’s over-heating inside this case? Running the latest engine update…

That does sound like an overheating issue. It’s got up to temp and it’s freaked out by the sounds of it.

From memory there’s no fan in the P4 but keeping the vents clear is vital still. The fan is on the media players (M).

Give it a shot without the case and see if it happens again.


ran flawlessly without the case last night… so, I do believe that was the issue… interesting to say the least!

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Can you share a picture of the case you are using or a link to the product?

I just made a thread earlier asking if the Prime 4+ would overheat if used while inside a flightcase.

@KennyJ sure… no problem:

The air vents are located on each side of the 4+ where it fits snug into the case… so, overheating totally makes sense!

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Mine is similar to @THE-VIKING-KING by Swan.

They do one as a “use in base” model too. They didn’t do this version when I had mine as I had a launch day Prime 4 which they didn’t even have the proper foam cut-outs inside and they had to send me some to replace the foam that was too big.

aah ok, this is the same type that im looking for… i guess its not going to work out for me then!

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