Play, Cue buttons unresponsive

I had this happen with a couple different Prime Go units and a couple of Prime 2 units over the years. I’ll be playing tracks, all is well, then suddenly one of the decks quits responding. The play and cue buttons do nothing. The only “fix” seems to be to restart the unit. Anyone have this and find a resolution? I’d like to stick with Prime, but I’m a wedding DJ and I can’t have it freezing up on me.

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If it’s happening across various/several primes then I’d start making a note of which track is playing on the live deck when it happens, and also which track was searched for / loaded on the other deck - I suspect corrupt tracks , possibly the accented characters thing

It happens on random tracks at random times. My music is all clean and I’ve never had an issue with it with Serato. With the prime units, when it happens, I can reboot it and load the same track and it plays just fine

I understand this post is a couple of years old now, but did you ever find the cause, my prime 2 on version 4.0 has been doing the same, first known occurrence was around 15 aug during a set and same again last night, different tracks, but all I could do was reboot the device! Thankfully not too many noticed as it was during background set, would have been more embarrassing in full flow!!

Honestly, I never found the cause and I had the problem with various all-in-one units, so I went back to a separate controller and laptop. I don’t trust the all-in-ones to perform consistently

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