Minor: Cambodian font does not display on Denon Prime Go

Not sure if this is a bug or just a limitation.

I have a bunch of Thai music and the track names display fine in Thai. But some Cambodian tracks I purchased they do not.

Not a big deal for me as I can’t read Cambodian, and only have a couple of Cambodian tracks in my library, but interesting to note. It does display fine in ENGINE DJ software in MS-windows… and in Linux on clementine player.

Example track is this one:

obviously more of a big deal for any Cambodian DJs out there.

It´s not only a cambodian problem :wink:

There is an encoding problem with international letters. And I think it is not easyly to solve, because every country with its own special letters in the world have it´s own codepage for this letters. This can be an other letter in an other country. It´s an old computer problem with coding tables. There is no right or wrong. Maybe this unit has then to be set to that countries code page, but then isn´t able to read other languages … Best fix is to rename, and edit-tags with mp3-tag. then re-import them.

when you look for “red tracks in playlist”

you will see how many peoples have problems with encodings …

try rename them … call them maybe “cambodian track - nice song” or something also in the id3 ttag … and you have no problem playing it.

I should have made it clear the tracks play fine, and I can see the cover art, and they are in the playlist I added them to, they are not red “missing” tracks. But the Cambodian font text renders as little squares. I can easily rename them though - at least while I’ve only got 2 with this issue.

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then it´s fine … but to read them with your eyes you can rename and retag them. here is the problem explained.

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