Features I'd like to see

1/. I would like to be able to change my star rating on the Prime 4. Yes I can change it in Engine DJ, but playing a song at a gig is different from playing it in a quiet room at home. 2/. On Virtual DJ, it is possible to save volume levels of tracks, as they are mot all the same level. Yes you can manually bring the levels to a similar level, but a feature where the levels are saved I would love too. 3/. When changing some views, wave forms move to an up/down orientation, when I am using a horizontal view. Can’t this be saved, as it was on earlier versions?

The word going around now is that serato will finally be implementing stems into its software.

Would love to see this happen with EngineDj eventually.

You are absolutely right on this and until now I do not understand what is so difficult to offer this functionality in Engine OS.

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Did you consider to preprocess your songs if the level is different to others. Honestly I never run in this problem. I also assume that the intention from any producer is to keep the level on maximum.

@scoffie @Aquadics There is a feature request to get TAG and rating editing on Engine OS, look here and give your vote: https://community.enginedj.com/t/song-tags-editing-directly-by-console-engine-dj-os/36883?u=djaj

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I am already on my vote limit, there are too many things to improve :slight_smile:

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I’d to add some feature requests to this:

  • Read star rating from .ALAC & .FLAC files. (For now that only works on .mp3)
  • Smart crates or the ability to save searches. Please, please :~]
  • Introduce color coding for tracks
  • Giving access to the ‘Grouping’ column

Hope others like that as well and excuse me if these have have already been posted.
