Extended track information on player shortcut


I would like to ask if anyone knows if there is a possibility to get the extended track information window from the player view (shortcut), without going back to the file browser.

For me it would be necessary, since in the comments field I write down information about the bar structure of the track and I need to consult it before mixing the next track.

It would be a huge waste of time for me to have to go back to the file explorer, when I’m in session mixing.

Thank you.

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Bumping for exposure as i would also love this functionality

There might be an existing feature request for this, but yeah it would be useful.

Does anyone know if this will be possible in a future update? It would be great to be able to see the song info from the player view.

Moin @stevens,

I think this matter is still pending.

Pls. be so kind as to compare: https://community.enginedj.com/t/extended-track-information-in-jog-wheel-display-sc6000-m-prime-2-prime-4/36818/64

or this item as well:


Pls feel free to vote for it, if not already done :innocent:

I will be delighted, to have this feature at the earliest convenience of DENON’s staff. We all know, things are easier said than done.

Enjoy the day and brgds BeatMaster

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I think that first one is closed now Beatmaster, they said its not going to be implemented, the 2nd one is very much live however.

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Moin @STU-C,

imo you are right :innocent:

We will see …

Brgds BeatMaster

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Done @BeatMaster :+1:

We hope for luck

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