Engine Prime wont install

As the title says im having a issue installing this software.

What happens is it gets all the way to the end and then says setup as failed with error 0xfffffff7

im using Win 10 latest updates and ive tried many times now and it just wont install. Tried looking for more info on this but come back with nothing.

Does anyone have any idea how to fix this.

In Windows-land, that is the code you get when your software is not activated (Windows that is). Not sure what it means in Denon DJ terms.

Found out what the issue was and fixed it.

If anyone is having any issues with installation make sure to check that ur windows install service is running. Mine wasnt but soon as i started the service it installed with no problems.

You can find the steps to troubleshoot the issue in this topic: https://community.enginedj.com/t/engine-prime-1-2-2-wont-install-and-has-removed-my-current-version/12305/15

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Good to see there is a solution!

When I was going to install itunes on windows 7 it was not installing at all so please help me to fix the problem. Whenever I try to run the app with admin privilege it crashes.

@stevewilliam007 - Please, let’s keep apples with apples and pears with pears. If you read the topic title it is about Engine Prime troubleshooting. Create a new topic about iTunes troubleshooting and we will be happy to help. While doing this, verify that your windows account has administrator privileges and ensure that the iTunes versions you are trying to install is the right one for Windows 7. Also make sure the following software is installed first: Java and Adobe Flash. Sometimes, the BTTray.exe application can cause problems during iTunes installation and therefore it must be stopped. Regards!

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